
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Monday, October 22, 2012

Food Brainstorm

This is food brainstorm about our topic this is what we think about food check this out.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Missing Baby

The missing baby

The Family is very worried because the baby is gone! because the sister forgot to lock the door after her sleep and the mum and dad hasn't knew about this what are they gonna feel about they will be very sad.

The next morning mum and dad heard about it they were very worried so they went to find their baby and also they call the police to let them know as well so they can find the missing baby as well and they got to have check point on the road to see if someone has stole the missing baby.

They look everywhere for the mum and dad went and checked the nana and the mum cried and said thank you lord we have our child and the nana said”that she saw some bad guys around your street and around your house then I came and open the door and it open then I came inside your house.” When I came inside I said”my granddaughter watch out! she didn’t hear so she sleep then I heard the baby crying and I took it because the bad guys might take it and the mum said"thank you for your help mum."

Friday, October 19, 2012

The Rosary

This is a rosary that I have painted on RE I have learned about it on RE too and it is not a toy to play with. It is a rosary that you pray with at church and it keeps you safe where ever you go and the 10 beans means the hail Mary five times and then the one beans means the our father and the area where the cross is  the three beans at the bottom is the hail Mary and the our father and then the Glory be.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Smart Learner

To be a smart learner please follow this.
If you want to be a smart learner you need to keep on the right track and also obey the rules and concentrate on your work. And listen carefully to others in your classroom or out of the classroom. Have your stuff ready for the day and especially use your virtues when you wait in line and wait for the internet to connect. That is how you be a Smart learner.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Term 3 Reflection.

Being a successful learner involves you being reflective about the learning process. It is about you identifying your strengths, weaknesses and areas you would like to improve in. Reflection just does not happen at the end of a task, it can be throughout a task.

I would now like you to take some time to answer these questions:

1. Are you pleased with how this term has gone for you? Yes i am pleased with it because i am learning lots of staff about learning and have learned some more.

2. What have you learnt this term? about Sacrament and the olympics where it is going to be held and some more that is on our blog and our google drive.

3. What have you found easy this term? some of 3d shapes on maths.

4. What have you found tricky / difficult this term? Inquiry because sometimes I find it hard or don’t know about inquiry and some questions.

5. Who  / what has helped you with your learning this term? My teacher and Miss Laban, Miss Mcloughlin and my friends in my classroom.

6. What could you change with your learning for next term? Next term, I will try not daydream and stay focused on my work more.